YARSI Journal of Pharmacology – Vol.1 No.1 Th.2020

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The differences of antibiotics effectiveness in therapy of thypoid fever without complications in children at Putra Bahagia Hospital, Cirebon Muhammad Nurhanif, Insan Sosiawan A TunruPDF 1-6
The use of antihypertensive drugs in the treatment of essential hypertension at outpatient installations, Puskesmas Karang Rejo, Tarakan Salma Nara Fadhilla, Dharma PermanaPDF 7-14
Use of Antibiotics for acute respiratory infection (ARI) in Puskesmas Karang Rejo, Tarakan Mirza Insani, Dharma PermanaPDF 15-21
Clinical description of dementia patients concerned by acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and other drugs in Dr. Soeharto Heerdjan Psychiatry Hospital Muhammad Fahmi Syah Putra, Nasruddin NoorPDF 22-31
Analysis of rational prescribing in “X” Hospital, Jakarta Nurul Habibah, Lilian BatubaraPDF 32-36